Camino de Santiago Die Franse Weg

Al jou vrae beantwoord

Foto: Evan Naudé

Foto: Evan Naudé



Jou toervrae

'n Botafumeiro-seremonie in die katedraal

Die spesiale botafumeiro-seremonie vir pelgrims in die katedraal in Santiago de Compostela. Foto: Evan Naudé

Foto: Evan Naudé

Dis 'n lewensdroom! Hoe bespreek ek?

Vul bloot hierdie vorm in as jy belangstel om saam te stap!

Hoe werk dit?

Die Netwerk24-Camino-toere is ‘n begeleide slenterstap: Jy stap saam met ‘n gids en ‘n ondersteuningspan vervoer jou bagasie van een oornagplek na die volgende.

"Ek het nie woorde om die toer mee te beskryf nie. Dit was die wonderlikste ervaring wat 'n mens kan hê. Jy word met jouself in aanraking gebring. Met mense wat oor jou pad kom en jou so inspireer om aan te gaan. Jy word bewus gemaak van mense met dieselfde drome as jy. Jy kom 'n nuwe mens huis toe."
Wilma Henning, pelgrim van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023

Ek dra dus nie my hele vakansie se bagasie elke dag saam nie?

Nee, jy stap slegs met ‘n dagsak met ‘n warm baadjie, jou waterbottel, kamera en snoepgoed.

Waar begin ons en hoe ver stap ek?

Die wegspringpunt van die Franse Weg, die bekendste van al die Camino-roetes na Santiago de Compostela, is die dorp Astorga in die provinsie van Léon, Spanje. Hierdie en die aangrensende provinsie van Galisië waardeur jy stap word as die Camino se mooiste dele beskou.

"Dit was n uitstekende georganiseerde Caminotoer, propvol stap en lag, goeie vriende en baie mooi onthou-oomblikke."
Casper en Grietjie le Roux, pelgims van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023

Hoe ver stap ek?

Die totale afstand van Astorga na Santiago de Compostela is sowat 260 km. Jy stap elke dag vir 13 dae en die daaglikse afstande wissel van 14 km tot 27 km.

Klik vir die reisplan waar aangedui word watter afstande en hoeveel ure jy elke dag sal moet stap.

Stap ons in ‘n groep?

‘n Stapgids stap die hele roete saam met die pelgrims, maar jy is nie verplig om in ‘n groep te stap nie. Die Camino is immers ‘n pelgrimstog en dit is vir baie pelgrims belangrik om alleen tye te ervaar. Die roete is goed uitgemerk en jy sal nie verdwaal nie.

"Dit is die toer wat die beste waarde vir geld is wat ons nog gedoen het. Die toerleiers was meer as fantasties en het regtig nie nét die ekstra myl geloop nie, hulle het myle sáám met ons geloop en alles was net altyd perfek gereël. Wat ons altyd sal bybly, is die wonderlike vriende wat ons bevoorreg was om te ontmoet."
Louis en Gail Nell, pelgrims van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023

Waar slaap ek?

Op hierdie toer slaap jy in hotelkamers met jou eie badkamer, nie in die tipiese albergues (herberge of backpackers) met stapelbeddens en gedeelde badkamers nie. Jy hoef dus nie enige beddegoed of ‘n handdoek saam te bring nie.

"Dit was ‘n fantastiese ervaring. Dit was baie goed georganiseerd en só gerieflik. Jy kan net stap en ontspan, ander mense dink vir jou."
Lenelle Taljaard, pelgrim van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023


TOER 1: Oktober '23
TOER 2: April '24

Wie is my toergidse?

Evan Naudé en Sam Wroth Rietmann van Black Jackal is jou gidse op die Netwerk24-Camino-toere. Dié paartjie van Kaapstad spesialiseer in pasgemaakte toere wat hulle self begelei.

Evan Naudé en Sam Wroth Rietmann van Black Jackal.

Evan Naudé en Sam Wroth Rietmann van Black Jackal.

Evan Naudé en Sam Wroth Rietmann van Black Jackal.

Evan het aan die Weskus grootgeword waar hy ‘n liefde vir die buitelewe en ‘n nuuskierigheid oor die wye wêreld anderkant die oseaan ontwikkel het. Sy avontuurlustige het hom gelei na ‘n loopbaan as reis-skrywer, fotograaf en toergids en meer as 20 lande op sy reisiger-kerfstok. 

As gids gebruik Evan sy ervaring om unieke en betekenisvolle reise te skep. Sy fotograaf-oog soek altyd die mooiste plekke uit, sy sin vir avontuur neig na die mees opwindende roetes en sy skrywersgees is altyd op die uitkyk vir interessante mense en egte ervarings. Reis saam met hom en al wat hy wil weet is, waarheen volgende?

As ‘n gebore Kapenaar was Sam gelukkig om Tafelberg so te sê in haar agterplaas te hê. Dis vele familie-staptogte op hierdie ikoniese berg en gereelde kamp-vakansies wat haar liefde vir die buitelewe aangespoor het.

Sam is op haar gelukkigste met haar stapstewels, ‘n tentjie en ‘n kampstofie iewers in die wildernis, maar met ‘n agtergrond in die kunswêreld bly die kunste haar ander groot liefde. Watter beter plek as die Camino dus om pragtige natuurskoon, maar ook mensgemaakte skoonheid in die katedrale, kapelle en museums te beleef!

"Die toer het al my verwagting oortref. Die natuurskoon, die ryke geskiedenis en landskap het my hart aangeraak. Dit was spesiaal om op my eie tyd te stap en besienswaardighede aan te pak maar tog saans in jou eie taal en met landgenote te kon kuier en ervarings te deel. Die uitstekende organisasie en vriendelike sorgsaamheid van Evan en Sam tydens die toer het 'n reuse bydrae gelewer om die ervaring spesiaal te maak."
Hanlie Degenaar, pelgrim van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023

Wat is ingesluit?

  • Alle verblyf in hotelle en B&Bs
  • Aandete
  • Ontbyt (kontinentaal of ontbytpakkies)
  • ‘n Gids wat die roete saam stap
  • ‘n Ondersteuningspan
  • ’n Ondersteuningsvoertuig wat die roete volg
  • Daaglikse vervoer van jou bagasie
  • Jou Camino-paspoort
  • ‘n Besoek aan die Gaudi-paleis in Astorga
  • ‘n Besoek aan die Tempelridderkasteel in Ponferrada
  • Aanddiens met monnike wat dreunsing in ‘n 12de-eeuse kerk in Rabanal 
  • Nagmaaldiens in die Santiago de Compostela katedraal
  • Vervoer vanaf Madrid-lughawe na die beginpunt in Astorga
  • Camino-inligtingspakket voor jy vertrek
  • Raad vir jou visumaansoek en reisplanne
" 'n Uitstekende ervaring om Spanje só te voet te beleef. 'n Wonderlike belewenis."
Gawie en Irene le Roux, pelgrims van die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toer, Oktober 2023

Wat is uitgesluit?

  • Internasionale vlugte
  • Visumaansoeke (Suid-Afrikaners benodig ‘n Schengen-visum)
  • Middagetes en drankies
  • Persoonlike aankope
  • Persoonlike reis- en mediese versekering
  • Fooitjies

Terms and conditions

Black Jackal acts as an agent to facilitate the Client’s travel experience. As such, Black Jackal sources suppliers for the various components and requirements of the travel experience on behalf of the Client. Therefore, any bookings for external supplier services will be made as a direct contract between the Client and the relevant supplier, subject to each supplier’s own terms and conditions. Any and all use of Black Jackal’s services, including all future services rendered, is subject to the terms that follow.

Bookings & Payment

Deposit: A 20% non-refundable deposit will be required to confirm a booking, subject to upwards adjustment if required by third-party suppliers. Bookings are only confirmed on Black Jackal’s receipt of the deposit on or before the date notified by Black Jackal.

 Hold: Provisional bookings may be held for 7 days at Black Jackal's discretion, pending the payment of the deposit, after which time the booking will be released for resale.

Balance: Full payment is due 60 days prior to departure. Where bookings are made within 60 days of departure, full payment is required simultaneously with the booking. Failure to pay any fees timeously may result in an increase in fees, cancellation of the booking, and/or forfeiture of the deposit. Any service fees charged separately by Black Jackal are payable immediately on invoice, and in any event no later than the departure date.

Notwithstanding confirmation and payment of fees, all prices are subject to change due to, without limitation, supplier price changes, exchange rate fluctuations, or changes in taxes, levies or duties.


For amendment of a booking or the cancellation of a confirmed booking, for any reason, Black Jackal must receive notice in writing. Cancellation and booking amendments will only be effective upon written acknowledgement by Black Jackal of the receipt of the notification, after which cancellation fees will apply as follows:

  • Cancellation more than 61 days before departure: the cancellation charge will be the deposit only
  • Cancellation between 31 and 61 days before departure: the cancellation charge will be 75% of the total invoice
  • Cancellation 30 days or less before departure: the cancellation charge will be 100% of the total invoice

Should a Client/s fail to arrive or any cancellations are made after the departure date, Black Jackal will be entitled to treat the reservation as canceled without giving notice and 100% of the tour price as a cancellation fee will apply.


In the event of any unscheduled extensions or changes to travel caused by, without limitation, flight delays, accident or illness, weather, lost travel documentation, or any other cause, any resultant costs incurred will be for the Client’s account. Where the Client is covered by insurance, it is the Client’s responsibility to settle all accounts with service providers and lodge a claim with the insurer.

Where Client requests changes to travel arrangements, Black Jackal will use its best endeavors to effect such changes but does not guarantee the same. The client will be responsible for any additional charges incurred as a result of such changes, including Black Jackal’s administration fees. 

Black Jackal cannot guarantee that bookings will be unchanged even after full payment has been made. Major changes may be effected to the Client’s booking by suppliers, including changes in departure dates or times, or downgrading of accommodation. In such instances, Black Jackal will notify the Client without delay after Black Jackal becomes aware of the change. Black Jackal will endeavor to notify the Client of any minor changes effected but is not obliged to do so. Black Jackal is entitled to make changes to the Client’s itinerary to the extent that same is reasonably necessary. Black Jackal is not liable to the Client for any compensation as a result of any such changes. 

Child Policy

Children aged 12 and over and accompanied by an adult are welcome on the tour. The full adult rate is charged. Children aged between 12 and 18 must share a room with their accompanying adult.

 Travel Advice and Insurance

Black Jackal will provide pre-tour travel information relevant to the countries that the tour will take place in, but it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure all travelers have valid passports and any visas required for purpose of the travel, and further that any inoculations or other documentary or health requirements necessary for entry to another country or re-entry upon return are obtained. Passport, visa, health, and documentary requirements are subject to change without notice, and the Client is therefore advised to confirm such requirements before departure.

Prior to confirming the booking, each traveler must take out comprehensive travel, medical, cancellation, curtailment and default insurance for the duration of their trip. Due to the physical nature of the tour, it is vital that all guests are covered for emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances. We will not be held responsible for any guest traveling without insurance.

The relevant cancellation policy applies should the Client fail to join or start their journey for any reason, including airline delays or missed connections. Please ensure adequate travel insurance is in place for this eventuality.

General Inclusions
1. All accommodation on a shared basis;
2. All meals as specified;
3. Services of a guide
4. Listed entrance and activity fees;
5. Accommodation taxes, the applicable Tourism Levies and all relevant Value Added Tax (VAT) or Government Sales Tax (GST).

General Exclusions

1. Any drinks, park fees, entrance fees, porterage, tours/excursions and transfers not specified;
2. Any scheduled commercial flights and related taxes;
3. Cancellation, baggage, medical and general travel insurance;
4. Staff gratuities;
5, Any new Government Taxes, levies, fuel or industry increases which are beyond our control;
6. Visa fees where relevant.
7. Any items of a personal nature.


Taxes and currency: It is the Client’s responsibility to obtain sufficient foreign exchange required for the travel, including sufficient funds for payment of any taxes that may be levied at the point of arrival in or departure from a foreign country.

 Luggage: Weight and packing space limitations in light aircraft and helicopters (including private air charters) only allows for a maximum of 20 kg of luggage per person. This includes hand luggage, handbags, laptops, cameras, etc. It is the Client’s responsibility to pack in small soft bags with a maximum luggage size of 25cm wide x 30cm high x 62cm long each. Failure to adhere to these luggage guidelines may result in additional charges levied against the Client for which Black Jackal accepts no liability.

Medical Issues: It is the Client's responsibility to inform Black Jackal of any medical issues affecting any traveler that may have an impact on travel. Black Jackal will use its best endeavors to accommodate such medical needs but reserves the right to cancel or amend any booking in the event that such needs cannot be met.

Claims and complaints: Black Jackal is not responsible for: liaising with police or other authorities, lodging any travel insurance claim; reversing or correcting fraudulent or erroneous charges to the Client’s credit card; solving, submitting or accepting service complaints; or any other issues encountered by the Client during the Client’s travel, other than those issues expressly specified herein.    

Acts of God: Black Jackal does not accept liability for damages or the payment of any compensation in the event of any loss, damage, injury or death suffered by Client or any passenger due to an act of God or other events that is not within Black Jackal’s control, including war, riot, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire, pandemic, or other like events.

Liability: Black Jackal sources local and international ground operators, airlines and other travel suppliers, and accordingly will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury, whether direct, special or consequential and regardless of cause, including, without limitation, as a result of; the failure to obtain valid, current and correct travel documents; errors in the Client’s travel itinerary; failure to make special arrangements, including arrangements for specific seats, rooms and/or meals; failure to arrange travel insurance; cancellations or delays; and the Client indemnifies Black Jackal against all such claims. Whilst Black Jackal makes every effort to ensure that all travel arrangements and services will be carried out efficiently and that suppliers are selectively sourced, Black Jackal does not have control over the suppliers’ delivery of services, and accordingly cannot be held liable for suppliers’ actions.  

General: This document, together with Black Jackal’s booking form, invoice, indemnity and itinerary (collectively “The agreement”) constitute the sole record of the agreement between the parties. No addition, variation or cancellation of the agreement will be of effect unless in writing and signed by both parties. No indulgence will affect either party’s rights or preclude either party from enforcing compliance at any stage. The Client will be liable for all attorney and client costs incurred in the event that Black Jackal is required to commence an action against the Client. The parties choose their addresses as stated in the booking form as the addresses at which they will receive all notices and communications. Either party may change the such address on written notice to the other party. An expression denoting a gender includes the other gender, a natural person includes a legal person and vice versa, and the singular includes the plural and vice versa.

The Client warrants that s/he has the contractual capacity, and is authorized to make travel arrangements on behalf of the passengers concerned.